Say hello at!


Christen Boas Hayes

I am a public servant who loves Petworth and my neighbors. As a seven year resident of our neighborhood, I’m excited to help neighbors navigate challenges and build an even stronger community for everyone. I have strong ties in Petworth - living with my sister in our home, bartending at Petworth Social, coaching a 10U softball team at Upshur Field, gardening, and having neighbor dinners.

I plan to be a resource for all residents of ANC4C06. My first time interacting with an ANC was after a tragic drive-by shooting in front of my old house on Kansas in 2018. Our ANC Commissioner arrived shortly after the incident and helped us navigate the situation. It made me appreciate this extra layer of our community safety net, which I hope to strengthen.

Working at a bar on our local main street before it closed also raised my awareness of some of the challenges faced by small businesses in our community, which I hope to help address as the ANC Commissioner. I’m also a strong supporter of increased housing density, bike safety, strong public transportation, and reduced gun violence in Petworth. Most importantly, I’m looking forward to connecting with long time residents and new residents to make sure everyone has the resources they need!





  • DC Yimbys

  • Greater Greater Washington

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